A sample bookcase application case
We would try to implement the various technology stack for some common web application scenario in several types of libraries. In our case here, we would attempt to implement it for the following scenario.
The web application contains the following features:
- An E-Commmerce web application (On a high level overview)
- For backend portions done in languages such as Python or Golang or Java, only the API Backend will be built. A stack that has both frontend and backend in one will not be used here.
- Email integration for certain user interactions on the website
- API Endpoints have permission checks. Probably can use the decorator method to set which API is to be protected by which -> Error 403 for those that do not connect accordingly.
User Registration Flow
- User sign ups with email and password. Email sent to user
- User can go into portal (But does not permission to do plenty of stuff?) - user is still inactive
- User activate emails by clicking on link in the email
- User is now active
User forgotten password
- User clicks forget password
- Email sent to user (Forgot password expiry activated with its respective token)
- After clicking on email for forgot password email, if before the forgotten expiry time, allow the password change, else; no change to the password
Initial thoughts on construction of the API layer:
- Products (List, Get, Add, Subtract, Modify - qty,description,status,etc)
- User (List,Get,Add,Modify) - Should not have delete operation
- Orders (List, Get, Add, Modify)
- Subscriptions/Wishlist (List, Get, Add, Modify)
Admin Layer (Roles) - Administration of store information
- Auditor -> Can view all information - no edit
- Company Management -> Can view all information - no edit
- Store Manager -> Can view all information relating to his store - no edit
- Store Admin -> Can view/edit/append some things that are part of his store
- Store Supplier -> Can view/append some things that are part of his supplier
- Store Worker -> Can view/edit/append some things that are part of that store (under approval for edits) - limited view
Promotion System
- Able to have flexible set of promotions in the store; e.g.
- 3 items for $2
- 20% storewide
- 15% if user bought a product from a certain subcategory from the store on a certain date
List of database fields
- ID
- First Name
- Last Name
- Password
- Facebook ID (Optional)
- Twitter ID (Optional)
- Google ID (Optional)
- Permissions
- isActive status
- activationCode
- forgotPasswordExpiry
- forgotPasswordToken
- Created Time
- Updated Time
- Last Login Time
Some constraints set on the user struct:
- ID: UUID. It has to be a UUID regex pattern during validation
- First name: Must not be empty, must be less than 100 characters
- Last name: Must not be empty, must be less than 100 characters
- Email: Must follow the email regex (Includes @ and domain at the end)
- Password: Password length > 8; Must contain at least small characters, Capital letters and a number
- ID
- Name of role
- Description
- Status (Is it active?)
- Remarks
- Created Time
- Updated Time
Some constraints set on the role struct:
- ID: UUID. It has to be a UUID regex pattern during validation
- Name of role: Must not be empty, must contain any one of the following strings: [‘admin’, ‘member’, ‘editor’, ‘view’]
- Description: Must not be empty, Text field
- Status: Only the following strings are allowed in: [‘active’, ‘inactive’, ‘depreciated’]
Role x Permission Mapping
Fields (Many:Many relationship)
- Role ID
- Permission ID
- ID
- Name of Product
- Short Description
- Long Description
- Product Category (Foreign Key)
- Product Subcategory (Foreign Key)
- Status
- Remarks
- Created Time
- Updated Time
Some constraints
- ID: UUID. It has to be a UUID regex pattern during validation
- Name: Cannot be empty, Shorter than 150 characters
- Short Description: Cannot be empty. Shorter than 150 characters
- Long Description: Cannot be empty. Text field
- Product Category: It has to be part of a valid product category
- Status: Only the following strings are allowed in: [‘active’, ‘inactive’, ‘depreciated’]
Product Category
- ProductCategoryID
- Name of Product Category
- Description
- Status
- Remarks
- Created Time
- Updated Time
Some constraints
- ID: UUID. It has to be a UUID regex pattern during validation
- Name: Cannot be empty, Shorter than 150 characters
- Short Description: Cannot be empty. Shorter than 150 characters
- Status: Only the following strings are allowed in: [‘active’, ‘inactive’, ‘depreciated’]
Product Subcategory
- Product Subcategory ID
- Name of Product Subcategory
- Description
- Status
- Remarks
- Product ID
- Created Time
- Updated Time
Some constraints
- ID: UUID. It has to be a UUID regex pattern during validation
- Name: Cannot be empty, Shorter than 150 characters
- Short Description: Cannot be empty. Shorter than 150 characters
- Status: Only the following strings are allowed in: [‘active’, ‘inactive’, ‘depreciated’]
Supplier ID
- ID
- Supplier Name
- Description
- Supplier Main Contact
- Supplier Secondary Contact
- Supplier Email
- Address
- Created Time
- Updated Time
Some constraints
- ID: UUID. It has to be a UUID regex pattern during validation
- Status: Only the following strings are allowed in: [‘active’, ‘inactive’, ‘depreciated’]